Dr. Brandon Lundell | Harmony Healing Center Logo

Are you tired of not getting real answers about your health?

Functional Medicine Services • Colorado Front Range

Functional and Integrative Medicine (FIM)

Personalized, Predictive and Proactive.

FIM uses the latest in biochemical laboratory evaluations; genetic and epigenetic science (an understanding of how the environment affects gene function); utilizes a systems biology approach and how each system is interconnected; and proven, leading-edge, science-based natural therapies including personalized diet modifications, lifestyle support and individualized nutraceutical/botanical medicine.

Our methods seek to uncover the underlying causes of dysfunction and ill-health. We use the latest advancements in both western and nutritional medicine to truly resolve health issues.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

-Buckminster Fuller

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Watch this video testimonial from one of Dr. Lundell's long-time patients.

For Prospective Patients

Why work with Dr. Lundell?

Experience, Education, Compassion

We treat your systems, not just symptoms.

For Healthcare Professionals

Dr Lundell has put his extensive education and research, in addition to over 15 years of clinical practice, into a certification course for health practitioners.

This unique course contains over 50 hours of audio and over
100 support documents.

"Dr. Lundell has been my primary healthcare provider for 13 years. In addition to being an amazing Chiropractor, he is also a skilled Functional Medicine Practitioner who delves deeply into the cause of illness, thoughtfully connecting all the dots to bring true healing to my physical body. He has guided me through a life-threatening illness, a fall and several car accidents. We are working together to counter the aging process. He thinks outside the box. I can recommend him unreservedly!"
E. Klassen
Longmont, CO

Functional Medicine Services

Section 1

  • Functional Integrative Primary Care
  • Lab Testing and Analysis
  • IV Nutrition
  • Chiropractic
  • Acupuncture
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Section 2

  • Infrared Sauna
  • Nutraceutical Supplementation
  • Personalized Dietary Instruction (with meal plans)
  • Exercise/Personal Training
  • Physical Therapy
  • Laser Therapy, Ultrasound, Alpha Stim.

Section 3

  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Trigger Point Release
  • Animal Chiropractic
  • Stress Management Therapy
  • Neurological Re-training
  • Pro and Amateur Athletic Coaching (cycling, triathlon, etc.)

We support your whole body and all integrated biological systems.

Common conditions we support:

Gastrointestinal Issues – Achlorhydria, bloating, irritable/inflammatory bowel

Endocrine – Thyroid, Adrenal, Male and Female Sex Hormones, endocrine disruption

Metabolism –  energy dysregulation, chronic fatigue, etc.

Nervous System –  Mood and Mental Health Support

Immune –  Mold and toxicity

Fertility – Preconception, Pre and Post-natal care
(download Dr. Lundell’s article on fertility and fetal programming)

Musculoskeletal Pain and Injuries

Sports and Performance

Diet and Nutrition

"Integrative primary care from womb to tomb."


Dr. Lundell's YouTube Channel



Leaky Gut

Mitochondrial Function

And more!