The resource kit is also available as part of
the Complete Nutritional Pathology Course.
This is everything you need for a successful practice and more. No need to reinvent the wheel. It is the culmination of thousands of hours of study, research and clinical practice for 15 plus years.
Included are all the office materials needed (and can be easily modified to include your office logo) such as consents, intake forms, updated CPT and ICD-10 forms, super-bills, questionnaires, dietary and exercise handouts, protocols and guidelines for many conditions and thousands of relevant research articles in a searchable database form for easy access. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to supercharge your practice and save thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours!
What’s Included
Laboratory Forms
- Test Protocols, Patient Instructions
Quest, LabCorp, hormones, neurotransmitters, stool, thyroid, food sensitivities - AMAS Consent
- Blood Test & Lab Recording Procedures
- Blood Test Billing Procedure for HCFA
- CA Test Reference
- Components of Comprehensive Blood Chemistry Evaluation
- DiagnosTechs Tests
- Dr. L Deluxe Wellness Panel
- Dr. L Standard Wellness Panel
- Insulin Testing
- LabCorp Spreadsheet Excel
- Lab Manual Range Form – Group 8-5-13
- Lab Panel Pricing
- Laboratory Consent, abbreviated version
- Laboratory Consent Agreement & Waiver
- Laboratory Fee Schedule w CPT codes
- Most Common FM Labs list
- Superbill Bloodtest Worksheet
- Urinalysis -Dipstick record form
US Biotek Test Procedure - Why Prof. Co-op is competitive for labs
Office Forms
Animal Chiropractic Forms
- Animal Care Client Intake Form
- Animal Care Treatment Notes
- Animal Release and Consent to Treatment
Consent Forms
- Advanced Beneficiary Notice
- AMAS Consent
- HBOT Consent
Laboratory Consent Agreement & Waiver - Laboratory Consent, abbreviated version
- Lien, Assignment,
- Release and Power of Attorney
- New Hippa form
- Non Covered Services form
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Nutritional and Supplement Consent Form
- Patient Consent
- Understanding Insurance
Intake forms
- HHC Comprehensive Intake 2015 (word doc)
- HHC Comprehensive Intake 2015 (PDF)
- New Patient Welcome letter
Misc Office Forms
Charts and SOAP’s
- Appointment Log
- Appointment Offer Log
- Chart Organization
- History and Physical Exam
- Miscellaneous Notes
- Modality Log
- New Patient Charts
- New Patient- First Visit chart procedure
- Patient-at-a-Glance
- Physical Exam – Jan ’07
- Purging Charts
- SOAP- doublesided P.1
- SOAP- doublesided P.2
- Soap’s – Expanded
- Soap’s – Standard
- Supplement sheet master 1 (1 page)
Office Signs
- Cell Phones Off etc
- Cell Phones Off
- Quiet, Please
- Remove Shoes
- Session in Progress
- Sports Physicals
- Vacation Notification
Supplements, Office Master List
- Appointment Confirmation Calls
- Appointment Log
- Authorization for Absence
- Authorization for Return
- Cancellation List Appt Book form
- Cancellation List form
- Consent Agreement & Waiver
- Consent and Liability Release form for specific diseases
- Consent for Minor Child
- Day Sheet
- Detoxification and Purification Handout
- Diagnostic Study Request Form
- Discontinue Release
- Fax Cover
- Fee Schedule with Animals rev.5-12
- Injection Codes
- Insurance Benefits Form
- Insurance Dropping Letter to patients
- Lien, Assignment, Release and Power of Attorney
- Medical Abbreviations- common list
- Medical Abbreviations- complete list
- Medical Necessity Form
- Medical Records Release Authorization
- Medical Records Request Form
- Medical Records Request Log
- Medicare diagnosis codes (trailblazer)
- Missed Appt Fee Letter
- New Patient Call – Info Form
- New Patient Welcome letter
- Non Covered Services form
- Notice to Medicare Patients
- Nutraceutical Prescription form
- Nutritional and Supplement Consent form
- Supplement Consent form
- Office Policy Flyer
- Personal Injury Info
- Recording Appointment Offers
- Referrals
- Report Terminology List
- Reproduction Fees Request
- Shorthand I
- Supplement Policy
- Supplement Sheet Master
- Travel Medical Condition Declaration
- Appraisal & Symptom Questionnaire (Abbreviated)
- Basal Body Temperature
- Health Appraisal Key
- Health Appraisal Questionnaire
- Medical Symptoms Questionnaire
- Neurotransmitter Checklist 1
Patient Education
Diet and Foods
- Anti-inflammatory Diet
- Anti-inflammatory Snacks
- Dashe Broth for Many Soups
- Detoxification and Purification Handout
- Dr. Brandon’s Chicken Soup
- Dr. Lundell’s Can’t Be Beet Shake
- Eating Organic is Imperative
- Foods to Avoid
- Gallbladder irritants
- Nut & Seed Guide
- Red Meat Can be Part of a Healthful Diet
- Ball Exercises Stretches Core and Weights
- Chiropractic education
- Chiropractic vs Medical Education
- Drug companies and medical schools
- Lay Lecture-Detoxification and Purification
- New Health Insurance Solutions
- Preconception Planning Patient Education Handout
- Sports Recovery
- Ways to decrease allergen exposure
Protocols, Remedies and Handouts
- Medical Condition Declaration for Travel
- Travel Protocol
- 7 ways to Cancer Proof Your Home
- Acne Protocol
- Allergy Supplements
- Anaesthesia/Surgery Protocol
- Animal Bites Protocol
- Antibiotics Protocol
- Anti-inflammatory Eyedrops Protocol
- Arthritis Protocol
- Baby Supplements
- Bee Sting, Allergic Reaction Protocol
- Blood Sugar Monitor Usage
- Burn Protocol
- Candida Protocol, updated
- Candida, Vaginal Yeast Infection
- Cold Sore Protocol
- Deep Cut/Road Rash Protocol
- Dental Procedure Protocol
- Depression Protocol DMSA/Heavy Metals Protocols:
- DMSA Challenge Protocol
- DMSA Challenge protocol for Doctors Data Heavy Metals Test
- Dr. Lundell’s Provocation Protocol without DMSA for Heavy Metals Tests
- Heavy Metals Challenge Protocol (no DMSA)
- Ear Infection, Otitis Media protocol
- Ear Wash Protocol
- Electrolytes Recommended by Dr. Lundell
- Enema Protocol
- Eye Wash Solution
- Fibrocystic Breast Treatment and Support
- Flea Treatment Protocol
- Flu Shot/Vaccination Protocol, updated
- Gallbladder Cleanse, updated
- Gallbladder Irritants
- Gallbladder Tonic Recipe
- Gout Protocol, updated
- Head Cold Protocol
- Herbs to avoid if pregnant
- Herpes Treatment Protocol (acute)
- Home Acne and Facial Rejuvenation Recipes
- Hot-Cold instructions
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
- If You Are in Pain
- Insulin Testing
- Kidney-Bladder Support
- Liver-Gallbladder Support
- Macular Protocol
- Mercury Filling Protocol
- Mosquito Spray Protocol
- Myers Protocols
- Dr. Lundell’s Modified Myers IV Protocol
- IM Myers Protocol
- Myers Protocol Modified
- Nail Fungus Protocol
- Nausea Protocol
- Neti Pot Instructions, updated
- Neurodegenerative and Elevated Homocysteine Nutrient Injection Protocol
- Oral Thrush Protocol
- Otitis Media, Ear Infection Protocol
- Pandemic Kits
- Parasites/Dysbiosis/SIBO Protocol
- Post Dental Surgery Protocol
- Preeclampsia Protocol
- Radiation Exposure Protocol
- Sauna Protocol
- Sinus Protocol
- Skin Rash, Infection Protocol
- Sleep Supplement Rotation Plan
- Smoke Protocol
- Stool Test Protocol
- Strep Throat Protocol
- Surgery/Anesthesia Protocol
- Teeth Whitening Protocol
- Throat Protocol
- To clean Health Way Air Purifier
- Top 15 Antibacterial Herbs
- Transitioning off Pain Meds
- Urinary Tract Health
- UTI Protocol, updated
- Vaccine Support Protocol, updated
- Vaginal Yeast Infection Protocol
- Vaginosis Protocol, updated
- Viral Immune Protocol, updated
- Viral/Infectious Blood panel
- Vitamin K for Newborns Protocol
- Wart Protocol
- Water Storage Protocol
- Why Beeswax
- Wildfire Air Purification
Research Articles
This is an abbreviated list – over 1000 articles/papers in the Resource Kit. You can easily do a word search for any topic. These are hand selected, clinically relevant articles that can be uses for research, patient education and medico-legal purposes.)
Each one of the following files contains numerous research articles and papers:
- Autoimmune
- Brain and Nervous System
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular
- Detoxification
- Diabetes-Insulin Resistance
- Diet – Paleo, AI, Ketogenic, Calorie Restriction etc.
- Exercise, Sports Nutrition
- Gastrointestinal
- Genetics/Epigenetics
- Hormones
- Infection/Immune
- Inflammation
- Low testosterone
- Methylation
- Musculoskeletal/Chiropractic
- Orthomolecular Nutrition
- Opioids/Addiction
- Preconception
- Spirituality/Psychology
- Stress/Sleep
- Thyroid
Some examples of individual studies (very short list – there are over 1000):
- Environmental exposure and fetal development
- Leptin – complete genetic function
- Phthalates May Increase Risk For Type
- Preconception Opioid Linked to Birth Defects
- Rare Birth Defects Linked to Prenatal Pain Medication Use
- A Teenager With Oral Ulcers – polyglandular autoimmune
- Adipocyte Hormones (leptin etc)
- Adiponectin and Breast Health
- AHCC for immune
- Antibiotics,CRP,LRTI
- Antioxidants for Breast Cancer
- Aromatase Research
Aromatase, Inflammation, Breast Cancer - Autism Prevalence Up 78
- Autologous Blood Injection Improves Rotator Cuff Tear Healing
- Beehive extract shows potential as prostate cancer treatment
- Berberine BS Lowering Mechanism
- Berberine Decreases COX2-LPS in Gut
- Berberine Decreases IBD
- Berberine Slows Diarrhea
- Berberine-Tight Junctions- Diarrhea
- Berberine-Wt Loss-Gut Flora
- Beware the Office Air
- Bisphenol A Exposure is Associated With in Vivo Estrogenic Gene
Expression in Adults - Breast Cancer, Iodine and Homocysteine
- Breast Health NW Products
- British Medical Journal-Harms of Breast Cancer Screening
- Bullied Children Likely to Self-Harm
- Cell Phones and Cancer
- Cell Phones Possibly Carcinogenic
- Cesarean Delivery Doubles Risk for Childhood Obesity CME
- Choline May Help Protect the Bain from Effects of Ageing
- Chinese medicine for IR
Common Cat Parasite May Up Suicidality in Expectant Moms - CoQ10 and IR
- CoQ10 and Multisystem Diabetic Pathology
- Cytokine Profile in Aging
- Dairy and Type1 Autoimmunity
- Diabetes Increases the Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer
- Diet and Mental Health
- Eating This Feeds Bacteria That Can Poke Holes Through Your Gut
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemical
- Endocrine Disruptive Chemicals Endo Society statement updated
- Even Light Alcohol Drinking Ups Breast Cancer Risk
- Exercise raises 2-16 est ratio
- Exercise reduces Breast Cancer
- Exercise, weight and breast cancer risk
- Fatty Acid Cell Membranes and IR
- Fracking Risks
- Gaby – Iodine and Vit.D
- Genetic changes with IR
- Genetic Research May Help Pinpoint Autism Treatment Targets
- Genetically Engineered
- Glucaronic Steroid Elimination
- Glutathione NW part1
- Green Tea Compound Improves Cardiovascular Profile
- Gut Inflammation Picture
- HDL dynamics
- Hematopoietic stem cell aging and rejuvenation
- Herbal Medicine Viable Option for Early
- Threatened Miscarriage
Higher BMI increases Breast Cancer - Homocysteine – micromoles
- Hormone Myths – low t3 predictor of death
- How Massage Heals Sore Muscles
- Hypertonic Saline Improves Hospital Outcomes in Children With Acute
Wheezing - Include These Nutrients in the Overall Treatment Plan for Erectile Dysfunction
- Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death With Macrolide Antibiotic CME
- Incretin Picture (insulin release)
- Insulin Antioxidants
- Insulin Resistance
- Intestinal Inflammation Article (Good)
- Iodine and Autoimmune Thyroid — References copy
- Iodine Bullets
- IR and Dementia
- IR and low GSH, arteriosclerosis
- IR in Children
Kill Infection, Prevent Cancer - Lactobacilli and Cyclists
Leaky Gut, Tissue - Inflammation, Organ Destruction
- MaesGutBrainDepression
- Maitake induces ovulation
- Meditation Induces Positive Structural Brain Changes
- Merck Accused of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness
- More Evidence That Physical Activity Protects the Aging Brain
- Mounting Evidence Shows Many Vaccines are Ineffective and Contribute to Rise
of Outbreaks Caused by Mutated Viruses - MTHFR SNP and
- Leukemia – 7 articles
- Multiple Sclerosis and Natural Tx
- NAC and IR, PCOS
- Neuropathy Nutrients
- New HRT Guidelines Issued by USPSTF
- NFkB promotes cancer and Vit E inhibits NFkB
- No PSA testing
- Nocturnal Enuresis in Children Related to Constipation
- NW aromatase research
- ObesityACAApril2012
- Pesticide Permethrin Concerns
- Pharmaceutical Drugs are more likely to kill than supplements
- Phthalates May Increase Risk For Type
- Polyps – cause and prevention
- PPAR agonists and IR
- PPAR and IR
- PPAR, Leptin, IR
- PPI’s cause C.Diff
- Preconception and Interconception Health Status of Women Who Recently Gave
Birth to a Live Infant - Preconception Opioid Linked to Birth Defects
- Prescription Drug Deaths Statistics
- Prostate Testings Darkside
- Rare Birth Defects Linked to Prenatal Pain Medication Use
- Resverotrol and Curcumin TH17
- Role of Environmental Chemicals in Diabetes and Obesity
- Root Canals Cause Disease And Cancer
- Scientific Bias – Why Studies are Flawed
- Significance-of-Low-Plasma-Homocysteine
- Stress and Pollution Additive Effects
- Sunscreen and Melanoma
- t3-Rt3 ratio more accurate for thyroid
- Taurine and glucose metabolism
- The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Cancer in Pets
- Thick Green Lawns and Canine Malignant Lymphoma
- Too Much Vitamin D Can Be as Unhealthy as Too Little
- Toxic Truth About Sugar
- Vibration Improves Strength
- Vit D and Diabetes
- Vitamins and Brain Preservation
- Who Really Owns Organic Companies
- Your Greatest Weapon Against Breast Cancer
Functional Medicine Philosophy and Core Principles
How I incorporate functional medicine into a chiropractic practice

The resource kit is also available as part of the Complete Nutritional Pathology Course.
Get the Resource Kit for free when you register for the complete, six-module Nutritional Pathology Course.