Recorded Seminar
Lifetime Access
Slide Deck Included

Throughout the LIFESPAN

Leverage cutting-edge research in cellular health, lifestyle interventions, and emerging technologies to not just add years to your life, but life to your years.

DATE: On Demand
TIME: On Demand
PRICE: $199
Get the seminar today

Purchase includes 8-hour seminar & 377 page slide deck

Dr. Brandon Lundell, photo, healing doctor Boulder

Presented by Dr. Brandon M Lundell

What You’ll Learn – Seminar Outline

  1. Introduction to Healthspan
    • Defining healthspan vs. lifespan
    • The importance of quality years over quantity
  2. The 4-Quadrant Healthspan Plan
    • Molecular/Cellular Optimization
    • Lifestyle Factors
    • Technology, Labs, and Future Determinants
    • Psychological and Social Factors
  3. Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Healthspan
    • Mitochondrial health and function
    • Microbiome and cellular senescence
    • Oxidative stress and inflammation
  4. Lifestyle Pillars for Extended Healthspan
    • Nutrition and dietary patterns
    • Exercise and physical activity
    • Sleep optimization
    • Stress management
  5. Brain Health and Cognitive Function
    • Neurodegenerative disease prevention
    • Gut-brain axis
    • Cognitive stimulation and neuroplasticity
  6. Advanced Technologies and Biomarkers
    • Cutting-edge diagnostic tools
    • Emerging therapies and interventions
    • Wearable technology and health monitoring
  7. Psychological and Social Dimensions of Healthspan
    • Emotional well-being and mental health
    • Social connections and relationships
    • Purpose and meaning in life
  8. Integrative Approaches to Age-Related Conditions
    • Cardiovascular health
    • Metabolic health and diabetes prevention
    • Musculoskeletal health and mobility
  9. Long COVID and Post-Viral Syndromes
    • Impact on healthspan
    • Integrative treatment strategies
    • Lessons for overall health resilience
  10. Future Directions in Healthspan Research
    • Epigenetic interventions
    • Senolytics and senomorphics
    • Artificial intelligence in healthcare


“Amazing resource. Dr. Lundell is gifted with incredible knowledge and the ability to teach with a non-threatening style. Great presentations.”
DC, Phoenix
“Always amazing! Clear and fun presentations. Awesome material on Functional Medicine.”
DC , Denver

Key Points

  1. Healthspan focuses on optimizing the quality of life throughout all years, not just extending lifespan.
  2. A comprehensive approach addressing molecular, lifestyle, technological, and psychosocial factors is crucial for maximizing healthspan.
  3. Mitochondrial health and microbiome balance are foundational to cellular vitality and overall health.
  4. Lifestyle interventions, particularly nutrition and exercise, are powerful tools for extending healthspan.
  5. Brain health is intimately connected to overall healthspan, with the gut-brain axis playing a crucial role.
  6. Emerging technologies and biomarkers offer new ways to assess and optimize biological age.

What’s Included

8-Hour Seminar Recording
377 Page PDF Slide Deck

Lifetime Access to Recording
and Slides

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Lundell has been teaching and practicing Functional Medicine for over a decade.

His protocols show proven results every day, from his personal clinic to thousands of others around the world.

He teaches all over the country for several organizations including the Institute for Functional Medicine, Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders, nutraceutical industry leaders, and state associations.

He has been in clinical practice for over 15 years and is a former assistant professor at the Southern California University of Health Sciences. Full Bio.

Dr. Brandon Lundell, photo, healing doctor Boulder

Dr. Brandon Lundell